My Journey Through Cancer & Chemo


On the morning of March 19, 2022, my phone rang as I exited a building. A gentle, kindly voice on the line delivered the news – results from the CT scan had revealed a sizable mass. The nurse’s words became a blur, drowned out by the thunderous pounding of my heart. I hardly remember the details of that conversation, but the memory of my subsequent call to my mother is vivid. Despite my tears and fear, her soothing words, like a warm embrace over the phone, was a soothing balm.

I am a middle-aged woman on a journey of adopting my four grandchildren, now grappling with a frightening diagnosis of stage 4 appendix cancer. I am trying to piece together the chaos of my thoughts into coherent words without causing pain to anyone else. I am grateful for the divine guidance I receive every day, leading me on a path of forgiveness, humility, and kindness.

It’s not always easy to tread this path, but I am reminded of the strength and the resilience it has nurtured in me. I invite you to accompany me on this journey, even if it’s just once in a while. The path can be lonely, and your company would be appreciated. Thank you for sharing this moment with me.

As I continue this journey, I am reminded of the power of community and support. Without my family, friends, and even strangers who have reached out to me with love and kindness, I do not know how I would have faced this diagnosis. Their words of encouragement and acts of kindness have given me strength and hope during the darkest moments.

One thing has become clear along my journey: the profound value of life and the importance of assisting others on this challenging path. I hope that you discover inspiration here and that it will encourage you to spread love and kindness wherever you go. Let us all remember the power of small acts, for they can make a significant difference in someone’s life.

As I navigate daily, I learn to let go of anger and bitterness and embrace forgiveness and humility. It is not an easy task, but with each step forward, I feel lighter and happier with my life.

Until next time…